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Somewhere in Montana , USA | Machu Picchu, Pero |
Yellowstone National Park, USA | Pacific Ocean, Chile |
Machu Picchu, Peru | Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg, MB, Canada |
Outside of Winnipeg, MB, Canada | Machu Picchu, Peru |
Arizona, USA | Somewhere in Rauten Bajo, Chile |
Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mountains, Cusco, Peru |
Cusco, Peru | Winnipeg, MB, Canada |
Machu Picchu, Peru | Machu Picchu, Peru |
La Luna, Winnipeg, MB, Canada | Machu Picchu, Peru |
Winnipeg, MB, Canada | Cusco, Peru |
Quillota, Chile, | Somewhere in Montana, USA |
Somewhere near Yellowstone, USA | Mayantuyacu, Peru |
Phoenix, Arizona, USA | Yellowstone National Park, USA |
Mayantuyacu, Peru | Amazon Jungle, Peru |
Mayantuyacu, Peru | Winnipeg, MB, Canada |
Totoralillo, Pacific Ocean, Chile | Tofino, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada |
Queen Elizabeth Way, WInnipeg, MB, Canada |
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